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Daniel Grzonka

B.Eng, M.Sc, Executive MBA, Ph.D

Computer Scientist

Hello, I am Daniel Grzonka

I received my B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees from Cracow University of Technology, Poland, in 2012 and 2013, respectively. In 2019, I received a Ph.D. degree from the Polish Academy of Sciences (in cooperation with Jagiellonian University). All degrees (with distinctions) are in Computer Science. In 2024, I earned an Executive MBA from Academy of Social Sciences in Łódź.

Currently, I am Assistant Professor at the Cracow University of Technology and Vice-Dean for Education at the Faculty of Computer Science and Telecommunications. As well as I am the laureate of the prestigious START 2019 competition of the Foundation for Polish Science for the most outstanding young scientists. I am also a member of Polish Information Processing Society.

I have been working for several corporations, companies and scientific institutions, like ABB ISDC, CDN-Partner, Cracow University of Technology, AGH University of Science and Technology and Jagiellonian University. The main topics of my research are listed below.

Research Areas

Multi-agent systems

Development of formal models for multi-agent systems. The use of agent systems in wide-area modelling and simulation applications.

Cloud and grid computing

Problems of balanced use of cloud and grid computing resources. Virtualisation of computing environments.

Task scheduling problem

Work on the problem of task scheduling, with particular emphasis on the processing of computing task batches.

Data science

Processing and analysis of various datasets, including work within the BigData paradigm.

Machine learning

Implementation and evaluation of advanced classification and regression models. Knowledge construction based on different data types.

High-performance computing

High-performance distributed computing, as well as vector computing on processor registers.

Research cooperation proposal

  1. Collaborative research papers
  2. Joint grant applications
  3. Publication reviews
  4. Erasmus+ visits
  5. Hosting a visiting professor

Latest papers

Ha Huy Cuong Nguyen, Daniel Grzonka, Bui Thanh Khoa, K. V. Daya Sagar, Irshad Ahmed Abbasi, R. Mahaveerakannan, Ahmed Alkhayyat: New trends in over the top media service (OTT) web user behaviour analysis and unethical user prediction. In: Mobile Networks and Applications : the journal of special issues on mobility of systems, users, data and computing, no. Article in press, pp. [1-17], Forthcoming, ISSN: 1572-8153.
Andrzej Mycek, Daniel Grzonka, Jacek Tchórzewski: Agent-based Simulation and analysis of Infrastructure-as-Code process to build and manage cloud environment. In: Vicario, Enrico; Bandinelli, Romeo; Fani, Virginia; Mastroianni, Michele (Ed.): ECMS 2023 : proceedings of the 37th ECMS International Conference on Modelling and Simulation, June 20th – June 23rd, 2023 Florence, Italy, pp. 513-520, ECMS, Caserta, 2023, ISSN: 2522-2422.
Adrian Sośnicki, Daniel Grzonka, Łukasz Gaża: Agent and evolutionary-based modelling and simulation of a simplified living system. In: Hameed, Ibrahim A.; Hasan, Agus; Alaliyat, Saleh Abdel-Afou (Ed.): ECMS 2022 : proceedings of the 36th ECMS International Conference on Modelling and Simulation, May 30th – June 3rd, 2022 Ålesund, Norway, pp. 296-302, European Council for Modelling and Simulation, Sbr.-Dudweiler, 2022, ISSN: 2522-2422.



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